December 1, 2016
If you are concerned about parking, bookmark this page, I will check the parking structure several times a week in the afternoon to give you an idea about the parking situation and the traffic issues at the Ala Moana Center. As of 1:00 PM, there are over 1,900 parking spots available in the structure and the traffic is slight to moderate.
August 6, 2016

Parking Spot Inventory Sign
Now that there are no parking issues, what could be wrong? How about circling around looking on the wrong floor for parking? Now you can know which floor to head to
for for a parking spot. The first thing you will notice is the Parking spot inventory sign.

Ramp Inventory Sign
It tells you how many spots are available on each floor before you enter the parking structure. Then as you travel up the ramp, each floor has its own sign and it will tell you if the floor is full and you shouldn’t waste your time.

This floor has 342 stalls available
Just a final tip, park on the 3rd parking level to get to the ramp joining the building to the parking structure:
May 9, 2016
This is huge, patients are finding out that there are NO PARKING ISSUES now that the parking structure is complete. No circling around, no fighting for a spot (Yea!) just drive into the parking structure and find a spot. Construction on the Ewa Wing is completed so there should be no issues with traffic like in the past. If you have been avoiding coming because of the parking, your wait is over! Make your appointment today to see us!
July 2o, 2015
The Piikoi Ramp will be closed to in-coming traffic until July 27, 2015, however you can still use the ramp to exit Ala Moana Shopping Center.
You may still use the Ke’eaumoku ramp to enter and exit the parking structure
Try not to park in the Bank of Hawaii parking in the bottom of the building, since the parking is for bank customers only, and you will be charged to park there without validation.
April 2, 2015
We are in a new phase of Ala Moana! Now there is much more parking:
While the parking structure is not complete, you now can park on the floor above. (see red arrow). The floor below that is connected to our building is floor 3 of the parking structure.
The 4th floor is now open for your use, and it is impressive because it extends all the way from Piikoi Street to the Ala Moant Building:
Here is a sampling of all the free parking available:
The 9th floor is open but why park here when there are many parking stalls closer to the building? Great vistas from mauka to makai:
To get to the 9th floor you have to take the elevator or steps, take your pick:
November 12, 2014
Y0u have heard a lot about the difficulty finding parking at Ala Moana Center lately, we wanted to give you the “head’s up” about where to go to find parking. For a while, we have used our dental blog to update our patients of the secret parking spots, but things have changed so quickly, we decided to give parking it’s own page. So let’s get started about how you can find a parking spot right away, without hassle. This is where you don’t want to park, it is in front of the building and there are very few spots here, but it is close to the building and if you are feeling lucky, you could give it a try, but the best way to find a spot is to use the Pi’ikoi Ramp.
The Pi’ikoi Ramp will give you direct access to a lot of great parking spots, and if it is crowded, free valet parking. To get to the Pi’ikoi Ramp, take Waimanu street, Diamond head to the shopping center. When you get to the intersection of Pi’ikoi and Waimanu, you will see the ramp. There are two lanes up the ramp, you want to take the left most lane up, since that goes to the parking area that we want. You want to park on level 3 on the parking structure, since there is a walkway from the parking structure that will allow you to walk to my office without taking an elevator.
This is what you will see when you go up the ramp. Make sure you are going up the left side where the sign says “Level 3 & 4 Parking” since the other lane will take you to the Mall level. If you happen to take the right lane, not to worry, you still have options, but for now, let’s keep going up the left ramp. Remember that if you go up to the third floor, you should be able to find parking, then walk directly to our office through this walk
way. So if you can find parking on the 3rd floor of the parking structure, this is the way to go! But if there are no parking spots, which is unlikely, follow the signs to the 4th floor, where you will find tons of parking spots!
It’s almost mind boggling how many spaces are vacant on this floor, and it’s covered. Now what if it is full? It would be hard to believe, or what if you don’t particularly like parking a car? Turn around and go home right? Wrong! Ala Moana Center has heard your pain and you can have Dennis park your car for FREE!
Dennis will park your car and get it for you when you are done for Free. Notice the sign on Dennis’ desk. You can find him on the 4th floor of the new parking structure. There are now 7 floors of parking available in the new structure, but you have to walk up and down steps, right? Wrong again! There are brand new, speedy elevators that will take a second to get you to the third floor:
Now what if you took the Pi’ikoi Ramp, but found yourself in the right lane instead of the left lane like we recommended? It’s over right? Not! Just follow the signs to the upper ramp:
Now turn left and there are signs that direct you to the free valet parking. If you come up the Ke’eaumoku ramp, it may be a little confusing but again look for the signs that point out the additional parking in the old part of the parking structure: Thanks for your patience, it will be rewarded with a brand new, efficient parking structure soon, and some new stores. If you have any questions, call our office at 946-0442 for help, and don’t just drive home, you have so many choices to park now!